Tuesday, January 7, 2025

A Long and Snowy Road

Hong Kong, January 8, 2025.  

Our plan today is to spend the morning and early afternoon in the center of Hong Kong.  We'll have pictures later today or tomorrow, depending on access to internet. 

Let's say snow can be a detriment to travel.  Instead of leaving Monday, January 6, for Hong Kong, we managed to get two last seats on a flight to Chicago on Sunday night, before the onset of snow that shut down DC.  No snow on departure. but that flight was delayed because American Airlines needed to find a fourth flight attendant before takeoff.  The flight attendant was en route, supposedly from LaGuardia, but didn't arrive before 11 PM (for a 9:39PM departure).  Our backsides began to take on Reagan Airport chair shape.  We arrived tired and warn, but in one piece in Chicago and managed to check into the hotel around 2:30AM CST!  The Hilton at the airport, right there, was fine.

Coming here, Cathay Pacific did its best with its 7800 mile trip from Chicago to Hong Kong.  Ben remarked on looking at the inflight map that we were going east!  Turned out it was east to Lake Michigan then north over Lake Superior, Canada, the Arctic Ocean and south throught Russia, Mongolia and China.  It took 15 hours--the longest flight we've ever taken.

The seats were standard small size, a bit more leg-room than normal, but John's next-door seat-mate was a very large gentleman, about 6'6" and rounder than him.  He barely fit.  A bit tight for all concerned, but we did manage a few hours sleep, probably four, and the food was better than most airline food.

Arrived in Hong Kong about 9 PM, and spent the night at the Regal Hotel which is attached to the airport.  A bit jet-lagged and not too much sleep, but we tried.  Now to find a nibble and then a train to Central.  More to come.

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