Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Rhode Island

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

We had an uneventful drive from New York State to Providence, where we spent lunch with John’s Chinese Studies advisor from his Brown grad school days.  It was lovely to see him, and an added bonus was seeing his daughter and grand-daughter, Adrienne and Lucie, who were visiting from Paris.  Lucie was on her way back to Mt Holyoke to begin her sophomore year.  We had not seen her for years since a visit to Paris, perhaps six years ago.  It was good, too, to spend time with his advisor’s wife, whom he has known for 50 years, but is not in strong health. 

Lunch was fine thin pizza from Bob and Timmy’s Grilled Pizza on Federal Hill, the other side of downtown Providence.  The specialty is thin grilled pizza with mozzarella and mushrooms, which are grilled and then topped with fresh spinach..the house specialty.

From Providence we drove immediately to Tiverton, did a little shopping and arrived at our friends John and his wife Jon.   We have been here several times, and enjoyed sitting on the deck eating fresh salmon on a salad niçoise, a nice Tablelands sauvignon blanc from New Zealand, and watching the tides and currents make it hard from a guy out of gas to row his small rubber raft back to shore.  It took him over 30 minutes to go about half a mile the eddies were so strong.

This morning it is pouring with rain and it is expect to be wet most of the day.  
Ben, Adrienne, Lucie & Lea
Ben, John, Adrienne

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