Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Northern Expedition

We head off tomorrow on a 1500 mile/2200 km trip north.  It's a trip to visit old haunts, visit good friends, and see some new-ish sites.  Most of the places we're going we have visited before, so expect some reminiscences.

We start with a visit to the Hudson Valley to see friends in Craryville, near Hudson, New York.  Then we go to Rhode Island for a few days in Tiverton overlooking the harbor and the sunsets over Narragansett Bay, with a short day-trip, we hope, to Boston, in nearby Massachusetts.   We'll finish with a long weekend in Asbury Park, New Jersey getting our annual beach fix.

We'll do the trip by car, stopping for the requisite XX dry skim capucchino and perhaps some Greek salads.  We'll try to have a lobster roll or two in Rhode Island and will avoid the deep-fried Milky Way bars that we've seen in Asbury Park.

Off to pack!

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