Yesterday, July 4, we spent on the road. It's a distance from Healdsburg to Ashland, about six hours of driving, which comes to more than seven when you add in stops for lunch and coffee.

The first few hours are on the back roads of Sonoma, Napa and Lake Counties. We stopped first for coffee Calistoga, which we had feared burned in last year's fires. Fortunately the fires stopped at the edge of town and the coffee shops were still in order. Ben, of course, had his bone dry skim cappuccino with art from the barista celebrating the Fourth. Calistoga was about to have its parade so many a small child was patriotically dressed.
Once on I-5, the drive becomes harrowing when someone wants to play European driver at 85mph in a 70 mph zone. Fortunately David was happy to help.
Along the way we saw many billboards for the Black Bear Diner, of which there are several in many towns. We stopped for an excellent lunch in Redding at the local Black Bear. Good sandwiches, good soups, and tunafish for Ben.
Then through the mountains to Ashland, our regular accommodations at the Winchester Inn, and a fine dinner last night at the Lark Restaurant in the Ashland Hotel. Jane, Ed, Gee Gee, David, Ben and John. Peter not joining us this year and Andy arriving later. We enjoyed cream of sweet potato soup, John had mussels, Ben enjoyed tempura. A fine bottle of Chahalem district pinot noir from the Willamette Valley, and then to bed.
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