Sunday, October 8, 2017

Travels then Tapas

Sunday, October 7, 2017--Madrid, Spain.  Beautiful day.  High about 26 (nearly 80), sunshine.  Great day to get about and see the capital.   Nearly every apartment building has flags of Spain hung from the windows in support of maintaining one Spain and not a separate Catalonia.  We will see, of course, how that plays out this coming week when Barcelona's government starts to make some moves.

The trip was uneventful.  It's much shorter in time to fly from Boston, only 6 hours and a few minutes across the Atlantic.  But that means that the Ambien doesn't really give you a chance to get a full rest, unlike a trip to Australia, say, when you get 18 hours to sleep (uncomfortably).

On arrival, we bought our week-long tourist Metro cards so we are using the really good subway system here.  Eight minute headways between trains even on Sundays!  It's much older than Metro, probably same vintage as the old Green line in Boston or the Parisian system, which means fewer escalators and elevators, but it works.  A bit hard carrying suitcases.

We arrived at the hotel about 8:30AM with a reservation for tonight.  They said come back about 9:30AM and the housekeeping staff would have our room ready.  A fine breakfast down the street at bakery Antonio Rodilla Recièn with good cappuccino.  They served fresh orange juice withe coffees and croissants.   Lo and Behold, a room all ready for us.  Very stylish, very simple, no geegaws, nothing unnecessary.  It  even has a small balcony.

Plaza Mayor
Showered, changed and off we went on the first of the Michelin walking tours.  This one through the old sections dating to the Hapsburgs.   Calle Mayor, Plaza Myjor, old 15th, 16th and 17th century buildings, narrow hilly streets.  Crowded with Sunday tourists, almost as many people taking pictures of friends and family as you seen in Piazza San Marco in Venice!   John got his wish to see a couple of churches actually in use, those the services were in Spanish.  The churches we went into, San Miguel's 18th century, and Iglesia Arzobispal 16-17th century, show quite different architecture to the worshippers.  

Lunch at the Taverna Conde de Barajas. It was on a square with a local art market.   When we first passed it was was very quiet, but on our return half an hour later, it was full of tapas nibblers and drinkers.  Excellent tapas.  Ben had a toasted bocadillo with squid, while John had one with black pudding and onions.  We split a small piece of tortilla espagnol, the Spanish potato omelette,  Enjoyed Galician Estralla.

View from Hotel
Headed back to the Hotel One Shot Luchana for a nap and now, as siesta is finishing, we are debating where to go for dinner in this more 19th century neighborhood.

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