Friday, September 22, 2017

Shopping---and Fairfield, Connecticut

Friday, September 22, 2017--The Equinox and we head home to Washington.   

We left Tiverton after a fine few days with friends.  We had a goal of a bit of shopping.  Went to a place in Fall River, Massachusetts, called Portugalia Marketplace.  As one clerk remarked, it's a bit of Portugal in Massachusetts.  Bought some inexpensive wines:  One a rosé turned out to be ordinary.  But a white and a red from the Doura had  the advantage being low price, and quite good.  The range of other products from high priced and good wines to crockery to such foods as linguiça was enormous.  The store is close to I-195. Easy to get to.

Stopped in Providence at Blue State Coffee near Brown and enjoyed our coffees.  Ben's art was OK.  John's latte was fine.   Then to New London to pick up lunch at a supermarket and to the Rocky Neck State Park to eat it.  Arrived at brother Andrew's about 3 and enjoyed an evening with him and nephew David as the sky turned beautiful reds and pinks and enjoyed dinner and an excelldent Aglianico del Vulture to celebrate Rosh Hoshanah.  L'Shana Tova.

Now to Washington.

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