Sunday, May 22, 2016

Pittsburgh and Home

We arrived home Thursday evening after a pleasant, fast run from Pittsburgh.   We had enjoyed a few days with family and friends.   We had lunch at Square D on Braddock in Regent's Square one afternoon.  Excellent hamburger as well as a wide range of other breakfast-like foods.   We ate out Wednesday evening at Istanbul Sofra, a lovely Turkish restaurant also in Regent's Square.   It has captured an essence of Turkey in the dining room, and gave us the opportunity to have branzino cooked the Turkish way we had enjoyed in the fish restaurants there.  Worth looking up if you are in the East End of Pittsburgh.  John also had lunch with a friend in Peter's Township at Aladdin's.  A pleasant Greek-Mediterranean place with a good salad he craved.

Pittsburgh was lovely, though wet.  The city changes every time we visit.  Right now there is massive construction of bridges on the main arteries, but that will finish soon.  New buildings are going up everywhere and the city has a spark that it had lost for a few years when the steel industry collapsed.  Now it is far from steel.  

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