Who could pass up Lliberace in Lego? |
Our friend Ruth waved goodbye as we left San Francisco after a lovely three days in the city. A very good time, full of fun and good friends. We will remember it.
Now we are in Healdsburg visiting friend David at his place up the hill from the Russian River. A wonderful home built into the side of the mountain, very good wines (last night's Guenoc Sauvignon Blanc and lunch time's Raffinelli bought at the winery) that make conversation easy and eating pleasant.
We stopped on the way in Santa Rosa at the old railroad station for Ben's coffee. Aroma Café, such a novel name, provided a very good cuppa for him as John checked out the day's farmers market, the old RR station and the plans for high speed travel along this corridor for trains from Santa Rosa Airport to Marin County.
Santa Rosa is the home of the late Charles Schulz who drew the Peanuts cartoon strips. Of course Snoopy has a role at the Railroad Square.

Healdsburg is a lovely little upscale town, upscale shops and upscale coffee emporia that fit Ben's needs. We enjoyed buying croissants to go with the beautfiul fresh strawberries from the farmers market in Santa Rosa.
Lunch--coid cuts and the lovely 2012 cabernet sauvignon from the Rafanelli winery where David buys a case a year--the limit. Most of it goes to restaurants, but a few cases get sold at retail. It was very good. The sauvignon blanc, from Guenoc (pron Gwen-ock) in Lake County was sweeter than a New Zealand or French sauv and went very well with the roast chicken in lemon sauce we had for dinner last night.
Unfortunately John has developed some leg issues so this afternoon he is having a Swedish massage at the Spa in downtown Healdsburg and going for acupuncture first think in the morning. Acupuncture will be new and novel. And how California! We'll see if ti provides short-term rellef.